Who We AreOdell New York first launched in 2013.
Our team leading handbags import and wholesale company from New York. Our team passion and spirit leading us to develop new and nice designed handbags from classic tote, hobo, and bucket to designed satchel, messenger, quilted, folding flap, wristlet, and many many different kind and shape of handbags. We care what's hot and what's look good to our customers. |
Our MissionOur team spent more than a decade in Handbags industry, from fabric choosing, design, product development, sampling, production, marketing and pricing.
We spend all of our enerngy, passion, spirit of fantasy on Women Handbags. We believe fashion is unique, creative style, is peronal taste and attitude, is also market trend and sound. In our own sense, fashion could be elegant and also natural. What inspire us are what's next in the market and what handbags people carry on the street. |